
State capitalism victoria 2
State capitalism victoria 2

state capitalism victoria 2 state capitalism victoria 2

A year later, I adopted constitutional monarchy (HM’s government) through an event (which historically happened in 1843). Following a few months of blockading Egypt’s Mediterranean ports, I was offered Crete in a peace settlement, which I took. Both Greek and Sicilian troops landed in Crete, and the combined Greek-Sicilian navy defeated the Egyptian navy in the Sea of Crete, and then in a series of further engagements. In 1839, Two Sicilies declared war on Egypt, and Greece did likewise, hoping to get Crete out of a peace settlement. The period 1839-1843 was one of the most important, defining periods for the young Greek state. The cυmulative result of both these actions (and the disbanding of much of my standing army) was the balancing of the economy at around 1840, and the repayment of all loans three years later. I had to live on loans for the first 3-4 years while I kick-started the first Greek industry (a cement factory in Attica) and researched free trade. Greece starts out poor, with its borders at Lamia. It was the first full Vic2 game I played. I don't see a spoiler tag option anywhere, so I'll just post it here.

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  • State capitalism victoria 2