I do not know the other editions but Windows 7 Proffessional edition and the Windows 7 Ultimate edition are able to install and run IIS 7. So if you want to install Internet Information Services (IIS 7) for a developer computer then you can follow me by reading my notes below. I’m using this pc as a home pc but I work on my web projects at home so I run SQL Server 2008 R2 as well as IIS and host ASP.NET applications. In this short guide I will summarize the steps of installing IIS 7 on Windows 7 in the way I had recently on my Windows 7 Ultimate Edition PC.
If you don't still have the screen open re-install ColdFusion and this time the post-installation script should run just fine.If you want to install Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS 7) on your new Windows 7 computer first time after working with IIS 6 for long years, I believe you will be surprised with the improvements and changes both in IIS and IIS installation process.įirst of all Microsoft has renamed the IIS as Internet Information Services and is not now using Internet Information Server for IIS. If you have the ColdFusion post-installation screen still open in your browser "refresh" it. Check "CGI", "ISAPI Extentions", and "ISAPI Filters".
Expand the "Application Development Features" Node. Expand the "World Wide Web Services" Node. Expand the "Internet Information Services" Node. If "Internet Information Services" is not already selected make sure you select it. Select "Turn Windows features on or off". The solution is very simple, all you have to do is enable CGI and ISAPI in IIS! The following instructions apply to Windows 7 however they are very similar in Vista.
If you install IIS 7 with its default options on 7/Vista and run the ColdFusion 8 or ColdFusion 9 installer you will get a funny little 500 server error when the installer tries to run the post-installation scripts on your server.
I've also done this process on windows Vista so I know it works for both Operating Systems. After much head scratching I finally got ColdFusion working on my Windows 7 computer.